Sunday, September 30, 2007

the post about steamers

the mr. is a fantastic cook, and he loves to do it to boot. but, left to his own devices in place where he's training, he will do eat poorly: junior bacon cheeseburgers, an entire bag of tater tots for dinner, BK broiler stacks... i think you probably get the gist. this leads to ulcers on his part. and as much as he loves to cook (no, really), he likes to do things like reroof the shed more when he's actually here (he's like a domestic god, which works, since i'm a domestic idiot).

in other words, i'm doing more of the cooking lately. now, i'm not a bad cook. i can follow a recipe. i can be inventive but not in a scary "good lord, what is that?" sort of way. but i have definite brain farts, like, "which one is a skillet again?" i also forget to put ingredients in (i write it off as part of my charm). i'm just insecure, particularly in the greatness of the mr.'s skills, and, like everyone else in the free world, a little time strapped on occasion. anyhow.

what i'm trying to say is this: i've discovered these (kind of in the same way christopher columbus discovered america, as in, my 'discovery' is pretty much a misnomer), and i'm digging them thus far:

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you just throw the bag in the microwave for like 5 minutes, and voila! yummy veggies. there are a few other varieties, including garlic cauliflower, and there also is a family-sized pack.

that is all.


Anonymous said...

Hmm.....steamers. Those would be vegetables, right? They're like in the food pyramiddy thingy---right below dark chocolate and Diet Coke, right?

reverendmother said...

Girl you crack my sh*t UP!

PPB said...

So I succombed to your peer pressure and bought some. But apparently everybody in my grocery store is a family, so family size is all I can buy, but I sure hope I like this vegetable concept of which you speak.

apbs said...

that's odd re: the family size. i buy these little teeny bags with about three servings in them, because sometimes i'm not the best at eating leftovers.