Tuesday, September 18, 2007

the post about no prayer before judgment

given one of my below posts, it probably will not surprise anyone that i got a speeding ticket a few weeks ago (though might surprise you to find out that i actually hadn't had a moving violation in over ten years). i called friendly lawyer parishioner guy (note: again, something i really shouldn't be doing) and asked with him, embarrassingly, to "take care of it." he said he was happy to do so (after explaining to me where he had been last sunday--see below--though i didn't ask and quite frankly didn't care).


i was speeding in a school zone (going 40 mph in a 25 mph , to be more exact). in my defense, school had started that week, and i don't normally drive on this street during the posted hours. but i was.

now, i'm not a lawyer (clearly). i did know that if you don't have lots of moving violations, you normally can appear in court on your appointed day and ask for a reduction. i had forgotten that doing so is known as "prayer before judgment," which, given my line of work, intrigued me.

however, since i was speeding in a school zone, i am not allowed a prayer before judgment. i am NOT ALLOWED a PRAYER BEFORE JUDGMENT. me and DUIers forfeit the chance to have a prayer before judgment. what kind of theology is that? apparently, speeding in school zone is the unforgivable sin against the holy ghost to which jesus refers.

i'm being sent to driver purgatory (all of that reformation stuff for naught) aka "driver improvement school" aka bad driver class aka clever way for community college to stay afloat by charging $55 for 8 hours for delinquent people like myself who can't afford to have their insurance go up and do not want to lose their license, either.


Anonymous said...

I, too, am a proud graduate of obedience school for bad drivers. It prevented my insurance from going up, but tedious-------argh!

So sorry.
And especially sorry that you do not have a prayer....(tee hee)

Sarah K. said...

Heh. I got my first ticket last February--totally humiliating. Sigh. Good luck.