i'm so used to being a student that i still act like one sometimes, spending wise, more or less (except for that whole "mortgage" and "extravagant trip to paris"). during grad school, the bottleneck had gotten somewhat severe. when the mr and i both started having incomes about 1.5 years ago, i shopped more. however, the practical streak knows it's better to do other things with our money, things like paying off student loans, that kinda fun stuff.
i don't think i've bought accessories, shoes, or clothes for about three months. this really isn't that big of a feat since there was christmas in the middle of it, in which i received a great purple jacket and some new fun earrings. but i have been avoiding target, so that's something.
and then. this morning when i went to recycle the garnet hill catalog, because i didn't want to get anything and because thought there wouldn't be anything in there that would interest me anyhow since i'm not yet 40, it fell open to this page.
lust at first sight. ah, you kicky orange mary janes. why must you torture me?
what think ye, fair reader?