Wednesday, April 2, 2008


  • how stale is my blog?
  • holy week and easter were really pretty good... less tiring, too, i think because i knew what to expect from this community.
  • i recently returned from a mission trip with the high school students. new orleans is still in pretty bad shape in many parts.
  • book #13: memoir of a race traitor by mab segrest (organizing against klan/neo-nazi activities in NC in the 80s... interesting for me since i live here)
  • book #14: paris: a secret history... for rapidly approaching trip!!! a narrative that speaks of people histories tend to leave out (lower classes, thieves, prostitutes, working peeps, etc. aka anyone not nobility). only makes sense if you have the original framework of history to hang it on. otherwise, hard to make sense of (i was familiar with some time periods and really enjoyed those chapters and was a little more lost in the other ones).

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