Monday, April 14, 2008

books #17 & 18: Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises and A Movable Feast. The former seemed like a whole lot of name dropping at first. The Mr. thinks I didn't like it b/c Hemingway is a "man's writer." However, after reading the latter (over the course of one day waiting as a potential juror), I appreciated his stripped style much more. I don't think I could process it in audio book format (which is how I "read" The Sun).
  • book #whatever: a cook's tour: in search of the perfect meal. not the most brilliant writing in the world, but i enjoyed it.
  • i have to answer a jury summons today around noon. if they pick me, i can't even tell you how screwed i am.
  • related to the above: a popular refrain around the church of late seems to be, "ms. rev or not can do it!" i exploded wednesday night. "NO. i'm not taking on one more thing. i CANNOT do everything. find someone else."

Monday, April 7, 2008

  • you know how sometimes you really want to go to bed but can't manage to peel yourself off the couch in order to do it? i'm totally there right now.
  • the mr's parents were here this past weekend. it was like his mom took all of her annoying habits and cranked them up, just for fun.
  • i'm pretty sure the above two bullet points are related.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

  • book #15: Heloise and Abelard: A New Biography. I had it lying around and had never read it.
  • I have spring fever, as in, I really want it to be warm again. I want to wear dresses and skirts and to go to the beach on day trips again.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


  • how stale is my blog?
  • holy week and easter were really pretty good... less tiring, too, i think because i knew what to expect from this community.
  • i recently returned from a mission trip with the high school students. new orleans is still in pretty bad shape in many parts.
  • book #13: memoir of a race traitor by mab segrest (organizing against klan/neo-nazi activities in NC in the 80s... interesting for me since i live here)
  • book #14: paris: a secret history... for rapidly approaching trip!!! a narrative that speaks of people histories tend to leave out (lower classes, thieves, prostitutes, working peeps, etc. aka anyone not nobility). only makes sense if you have the original framework of history to hang it on. otherwise, hard to make sense of (i was familiar with some time periods and really enjoyed those chapters and was a little more lost in the other ones).