Friday, August 15, 2008

Letters I'd Like to Write Right Now

Dear Mom and Dad,

I'd like to thank you for your surprisingly similar reactions to the past few month's weight gain. Eying me and saying, "Are you still working out?" is subtle, real subtle.

P.S. Bite me.

Dear NBC,

Gymnastics should not be on so late. I don't care if it's live.

Dear Constipation,

Go away. Take your friend Insomnia with you.

(***WARNING: Staggering unoriginality ahead):
Dear John Edw@rds,

The best you can say is, my wife was in remission? Really?
Dear YCWs,

Y'all are awesome. Miss you already. For your viewing pleasure, I saw these shoes while shopping in DC with Alex, prastflickan, Jenny, and Susan. They're beautiful:


Maria said...

*smiles* can I just say ditto to all of it?
And, Jenny's got a blog too:

Sometimes, she even writes in English...;)

Sarah K. said...

For the record, having just seen you, I think you look gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Dear mspreacher's mama and dad:

Susie/NuevaCantora said...

ditto to ppolarbear.

those shoes are beee-yoo-ti-ful!