Monday, April 20, 2009


so... plane travel with wee ones. do you pack the car seat base and check the car seat? is this how this works? for some reason, i'm can't quite get my brain wrapped around it. we have several trips coming up.


reverendmother said...

Yes, or you just go without the base and strap the seat in manually, using the seat belt.

That's kind of a pain, but if you're not going to be in and out of the car much, it's maybe more convenient than bringing the base and checking it.

Susie/Nueva Cantora said...

The Motherlode column at NYTimes had a whole thing on this recently... but you have to ignore a lot of hateful comments to read the helpful advice ones.

kwpershey said...

Personally, I'd bring the base too. I think they have to let you check stuff like that for free. I'd just click the base onto the seat if possible, and then see if you can get a big clear plastic bag from them when you check it.

We didn't bring a base along only because my parents bought one so that we wouldn't have to (it was used three times, incl. that week in DC). We popped the car seat into the stroller frame and used it in the airport, then gate checked the whole thing.

The other hot button issue is whether or not you buy a seat... most people don't. It made me crazy nervous the first time, but then when I was on the plane all the parents who had bought seats ended up holding the babies anyway.

Our two diehard rules: she gets a dose of Tylenol or Advil right before we board, and then if at all possible, she nurses during takeoff and landing. Both can really help with the ear pain some babies experience.

Traveling mercies!